Life of Pi
A novel by Yann Martel
Part Two: The Pacific, Chapters 90-94
Part Three: Benito Juarez Infirmary, Tomatlan, Mexico, Chapters 95-100
At the close of the novel, Pi's transformation of innocent boy to courageous man shows his oneness and relationship with God. Although his condition continued to deteriorate, Richard Parker was there with him along the way. Both were gloom and doom, knowing hope was all they had to press on. Pi became convinced that he was near absolute death. And, as mentioned before, he came across a "French accent" he couldn't quite place. The voice spoke of beef and brains and all sorts of food that Pi found to be repulsing. He assumes the voice is just RP but soons finds out it is a castaway, old man, seeking food. Pi begins questioning the voice if he had ever killed someone. Yes -- a man and a woman. The two join boats when suddenly the man comes aboard to kill and cannabalize Pi...but, of course, RP comes to the rescue and kills the man. Pi weeps and washes his eyes out with seawater...and he is no longer blind!
The two come upon a low island. There, they nursed themselves back to health and fled to join the meercats. Pi stumbles upon a fruit tree but the fruit contains a middle with a TOOTH. Pi soon climbs back aboard and seeks better land opportunities.
The next destination -- the life boat washed ashore on a Mexican beach. RP flees to the jungle immediately without saying goodbye.
Two officials, Totohiro Okamoto and Atsuro Chiba, from the Maritime Department in the Job Ministry of Transport are in California on unrelated business. They soon hear Pi has made it to the States. As they journey and venture out to go see him, they two get lost and take a forty-one hour trip...! They face several setbacks along the way but make it to interview Pi about his journey. The tape began recording on February 19, 1978.
An interesting way to keep the reader's attention, Martel uses great syntax and diction through the differnt font for the interview type. In chapter 97, his prompt and willingness showed in his "indoor" area. And first, in English, the men were very interested in Pi's story...but in Japanese, the men were in extreme disbelief. Through proving bananas can float and other instances like that, Pi showed his true colors of the love, charity, TOLERANCE, and GUILTY that entitles it. The book ends on a lighter note than expeced...I'd love to actually meet Pi to hear him recount his experiences from the novel.
The two come upon a low island. There, they nursed themselves back to health and fled to join the meercats. Pi stumbles upon a fruit tree but the fruit contains a middle with a TOOTH. Pi soon climbs back aboard and seeks better land opportunities.
The next destination -- the life boat washed ashore on a Mexican beach. RP flees to the jungle immediately without saying goodbye.
Two officials, Totohiro Okamoto and Atsuro Chiba, from the Maritime Department in the Job Ministry of Transport are in California on unrelated business. They soon hear Pi has made it to the States. As they journey and venture out to go see him, they two get lost and take a forty-one hour trip...! They face several setbacks along the way but make it to interview Pi about his journey. The tape began recording on February 19, 1978.
An interesting way to keep the reader's attention, Martel uses great syntax and diction through the differnt font for the interview type. In chapter 97, his prompt and willingness showed in his "indoor" area. And first, in English, the men were very interested in Pi's story...but in Japanese, the men were in extreme disbelief. Through proving bananas can float and other instances like that, Pi showed his true colors of the love, charity, TOLERANCE, and GUILTY that entitles it. The book ends on a lighter note than expeced...I'd love to actually meet Pi to hear him recount his experiences from the novel.
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